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Here, I am taking you through a series of stretches and mobility movement to help increase blood flow and feel a little bit more relaxed throughout your day. Re...
Many lifters fail to recognize the importance of a well-designed Olympic weightlifting warm-up routine. The inability to recognize and address the individual we...
http://BaseballStrengthBlog.com This simple shoulder mobility drill takes only a minute each day and your throwing shoulder will have increased range of motion,...
Shoulder Mobility - Pendular Swings Insync Physiotherapy 604-566-9716 http://www.insyncphysio.com 4088 Cambie St. #102 Vancouver, BC V5Z 2X8 This exercise as...
Shoulder Mobility Exercises - Pendular Circles Insync Physiotherapy 604-566-9716 http://www.insyncphysio.com 4088 Cambie St. #102 Vancouver, BC V5Z 2X8 This...